For my own convenience, I created a PowerShell module to upload backup files to Amazon's new backup service "Glacier".
The module is contained in this file:
(including the Amazon AWS SDK library)
Extract it into your Powershell module directory, e.g.
C:\Users\<your name>\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules.
(this will create a directory FxAWS under the directory Modules)
Start powershell and run:
Import-Module FxAWS
C:\Users\wim devos.GENOFFICE> Write-AWSGlacier -AWSAccessKey '<access key>' -AWSSecretKey '<secret key>' -AWSRegion <some region> -
GlacierVault <vault name> -Filename <filename> -Description <description>
Write-AWSGlacier -AWSAccessKey '[your access key]' -AWSSecretKey ' [your secret key] ' -AWSRegion us-east-1 -GlacierVault "backup" -Filename "backup-20120830.7z"
The parameters are:
- AWSAccessKey and AWSSecretKey.
These are NOT your login and password to log on to the web site.
You can find the access key and secret key in your account:
Extra credentials can be created and they can be removed individually. - AWSRegion.
The region where your Glacier Vault has been created. - GlacierVault
The name of the Vault that you created in the Glacier administration website. - FileName
The file that you want to upload. - Description (optional)
A description used in the Glacier administration website. When none is specified, the last part of the filename path is used.
You can create 3 (global) PowerShell variabled $AWSAccessKey_Default, $AWSSecretKey_Default and $AWSRegion_Default, in which case you can omit the -AWS* parameters.
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