segunda-feira, 23 de julho de 2012

FxGqlC: DailyRollingFileAppender in log4j/log4net/log4cxx

Using log4j or one of the ports (like log4net or log4cxx), you can configure the appender to "roll" to a new file every day:
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, logfile

# logfile appender: writes its output to a file that is rolled each midnight.
log4j.appender.logfile.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{}{GMT} %X{pid} %X{pname} [%t-%X{tname}] %-5p - %c %m%n

This gives you one log file per day, suffixed with the date, except the last day:

  • MyLogFile.log.2012-07-21
  • MyLogFile.log.2012-07-22
  • MyLogFile.log
When running the query "select distinct $filename from [*.*]" in FxGqlC, you get this list:

So, the most recent file is scanned first, because this is the "ascending" order as returned by the operating system.

A workaround for this is to change the query like this: "select distinct $filename from [*.log.2*], [*.log]"

This workaround also applies to the regular RollingFileAppender, based on filesize instead of date.

A future feature will be to sort the files on modification date, by extending the FROM-clause option -fileorder.  Possibly in version 2.3.

Update: the FROM-clause option -fileorder has been extended in v2.3 to allow an order based on modification time.  For more information, have a look at:

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