- sudo apt-get install gource
- sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
- cd ~/Projects/FxGqlC
(the GIT-directory where the FxGqlC source code is located) - gource -s 0.25 -title 'FxGqlC' -i 1000 -o /tmp/fxgqlc-gource.ppm
(-s 0.25 to speed up to 4 days per second, -i 1000 to prevent fading out of idle items) - avconv -y -r 25 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i /tmp/fxgqlc-gource.ppm -vcodec wmv1 -r 25 -same_quant /tmp/fxgqlc-gource.wmv
- upload the video /tmp/fxgqlc-gource.wmv to youtube
Initially, I used ffmpeg as on Windows which worked without problems, but I got this warning:
This program is only provided for compatibility and will be removed in a future release. Please use avconv instead.
Migrating to "avconv" was no problem, since the exact same parameters could be used with it, except for the parameter -sameq which is replaced by -same_quant.
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